

Okay, so something has been laying heavy on my heart for a few months now. I'm not sure if this is God pushing me towards this or if this is just something that maybe I want to do..I'm just not sure if it's the right decision.

For the past few months I've been really looking into doing some mission work. For now it will have to be short term until I can finish school, so something over the summer would be ideal. About two months ago I was on the website for the General Board of Global Ministries (http://www.gbgm-umc.org/) and was looking under Youth and Young Adults and came across some mission opportunities for young adults ages 18-25. It is a 10 week program, training is in New York City. The assignment will be in the United States and the opportunities of what kind of work I will be doing is endless possibilities. A stipend of $2500 is provided, the cost of travel to and from the place of assignment and room & board  are all paid for. The only thing I have to do is tell my story with my story...cool, huh?! When I first looked two months ago, the deadline to apply was March 1, 2011 (That's TOMORROW!) Well, for some reason I was led to the website again tonight..and looked-mainly so I could get more information so I could be praying and thinking about it for next summer..Well, guess what?! The deadline has been moved to March 31, 2011!! SOOO...

You might be wondering why I'm even questioning as to if I should even apply (even if I apply, that doesn't mean I'll get a position..) And I guess I don't have a good enough answer to that question.  If this is something I decide I need to do, I need to have a few people do recommendations, so I need to make a decision this week to give those who I need recommendations/reference forms from enough time to get them in..

I don't want things that are already tentatively planned for me this summer to get in my way of this  opportunity, because an opportunity like this isn't going to be available to me much longer. 

I ask that you pray for me to take the leap of faith I know I need to take and as I make a decision;
1) whether or not to apply
2) If I do apply, that I get a position, God willing
3) that God will reveal to me what the right decision is to make
4) that I make the right decision
5) and that no matter what decision I make God uses me, as I know He will, to do what I was created to do; serve Him.

I REALLY appreciate all the prayers/thoughts concerning this.


  1. I'm definitely praying for you Corey! Follow your heart...I fully believe that if this is meant to be then God will provide a way for you. I feel that if it's in God's will for you to go, after you apply, you'll get the position, end of story. And if it's NOT in His will, you won't. But, I definitely think you should put forth the effort, pray about it, and sit back and watch God work. His way for you is already set...you just have to allow Him to be God. Your answer will come soon. Love you! :-)

  2. I believe you already have your answer. Dennis and I would be happy to be a reference. Love ya Gerri
