

I can't even begin to explain to anyone how much I felt loved today.  This week has been an awesome week so far! Among all of the stress of school and life in general things are well... So, I was a bit surprised when I kept being reminded that I was loved by a God much greater than anything I can imagine. (Usually when I feel overwhelmed by God's love it's through times that aren't so good....)

So anyways, the weather today was PERFECT...well, once it warmed up a bit. I spent the late morning outside by a lake in NLR. Part of my time was spent getting my vitamin D, taking photos and reading in my Bible. I'm not usually one to just open up my Bible and read wherever it lands, I'm usually searching for something specific when I open up the Good Book.  I opened my Bible to 1 Corinthians 13:4. We're all familiar with this--Love is patent; love is kinda; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant...Verse 8 says Love never ends. As I read these words, I couldn't help but think about God's love for us. There's nothing in this world that can separate us from the love that God has for us. Well, sin does but because of God's grace and love for us; for His ultimate sacrifice, our sins are forgiven...  Have you ever stopped to think about what it must have meant for God to send His only Son to die for our sins. For our sins...I've thought about what it must have been like for Jesus to carry the cross he was going to die on but I never really considered what that meant until a few days ago. Not only was Jesus carrying this heavy, heavy cross on his back UP a hill, He was carrying every single one of our sins with Him. How heavy a burden that must have been. But He did it because He loves us. God did it because he LOVES YOU. YES! YOU!..
I find it fairly easy to find God in nature; in the world I am surrounded in.Today, these are some examples of how God reminded me He loves me. I mean, look at what He created for us to enjoy. What did we do to deserve such a beautiful place to dwell?!

(The picture on the top left was taken today at Pinnacle, the photo on the top right was taken not too far from my house of a field, also taken today. The lower two photos were both taken in NLR near the Old Mill)

Then of course a song came on the radio! Yes, you all know how I am with my music! It was MercyMe's "Spoken For" ..for those of you who don't know the song starts of "Take this world from me, I don't need it anymore. I am finally free. My heart is spoken for." I have to say when the song first came on the radio, I was excited because it's a really good song! (Ok, so I get excited any time a new song starts on the radio, that's besides the point!)..I could post the whole song on here, but I'll leave it to you to look up all of the lyrics (btw, you should totally do it, it's an awesome song!)..  "Now I have a peace, I've never known before. I find myself complete, my heart is spoken for."  I know this feeling. It is the BEST feeling in the world. And no man or any other human being can give me the kind of peace or the kind of love that God provides for me. "To hear you say "this one's mine..." It was in that moment, between me realizing the love that I have come to have for myself and for others is because of the love that God has for me and realizing just how much God really does love me that I received part of a confirmation that I had been looking for....
God loves you.  Haha..I laugh, because I just looked at my cork board in my room and I have a veggie tales bookmark hanging on it that says "God made you special and he loves you very much!" It made me smile! 

Isn't God cool? 

I have to say, the biggest moment for me today was when we were coming back down from the top of Pinnacle. As beautiful and absolutely breathtaking as the view from Pinnacle is, I stumbled (not literally!) upon a rock close to the bottom of the mountain. This rock is something that probably hundreds+ people have walked over, maybe even tripped on. But this rock was telling me "Corey, take a minute and stop. Breathe. Trust me....I love you"...Okay, so the rock didn't literally talk to me, but you get what I'm sayin! Here's a photo of the rock...

(ALL photos taken by Corey Tyson)

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