

Boy has God been speaking to me lately! I can pretty much sum it up in four words: Move, Wait, Listen and Trust.
Today, I am going to talk about "Move".


When I say the word move, I don't mean it in the packing up boxes and leaving sense.  As I searched for what this word that was had been put on my heart could mean, I decided to look it up in the dictionary to see what it really meant. I was unhappy with all of the definitions until I came across the one that said "to take action". WOW. what power this meaning gave me. While I can think  of many verses in the Bible where God calls us to take action, to take up our cross and follow Him, ["Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" Matthew 16:24]to live a life of faith, etc.; there are a couple of songs that I am drawn to. Both of these songs have a tendency to play on the radio at least twice a day that I am in my vehicle. The first is "I Refuse" by Josh Wilson. While the whole song is pretty powerful, the part that really moves me is when Josh sings the words "I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else to do what God has called me to do myself, I could choose not to move, but I refuse". For those of you who have never heard this song, I encourage you to listen to it when you get some time. And for those of you who have heard the song, you know how upbeat it is and how easy it can be to get excited. This song excites me. There are so many times when I make excuses for things. Excuses that reach beyond my Christian life. But the excuses that burden me are the excuses I make when it comes to my call. This includes my call into ordained ministry and my current calling. I make my own excuses as to why I can't do something; I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough. I could never do this successfully. God would never call me. I'm a woman, I can't be called to ordained ministry. I'm Corey Tyson--what do I have to offer? It's thoughts like these that hold me back. I am my own worst enemy when I don't trust God. God isn't asking me to come up with excuse after excuse as to why I can't do something. God is calling me to take charge of my life as a Christian, as a follower of Christ, as a believer. God has called me (and you) to pick up our crosses and to follow Him. To quit standing around, making excuses. And to trust Him.
The other song is Christ Tomlin's "I Will Follow". When I hear this song, I can't help but feel like God is speaking directly to me through Chris' lyrics. I can't help but laugh a little every time I hear this song. Like, "God, I get it" But do I? The song goes "Where you go, I'll go. Where you stay, I'll stay. When you move, I'll move. I will follow You".  The song goes on to include love and serve and "if this life I lose, [still] I will follow You". How can I not feel like God is calling me to move? (There's a lot more that goes into this word, move but I'll save that for you guys to guess what it is.

"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for me will find it" Matthew 10:39


  1. Inspirational, dear! Sometimes it is so hard just to "move" and take action...but I feel so much better when I do! It's nice to have reminders such as these. :-)

  2. PS-Do you take all the pictures you use on your blog? They're awesome!

  3. thanks girl!
    and yes, so far all of the photos I have posted have been ones I have taken myself. :)

  4. ((btw, the photo at the bottom of the trees is one I took when we went to Pinnacle)) =)
