
my prayer tonight.

 You know the troubles of my heart.
  Show me the way to live.
  Teach me all I need to know.
  So that I can follow you.

  Protect me in this dying world.
  Let me be a light that shines Your name.
  So that I may show Your love.
  Guide me as I take this path.

  You know my every thought.
  You know my every need.
 Provide for me only those things.

  You're perfect in all You do.
  Reveal your plans for me in this life
  Help me follow what You'll have me do.
  So that I may serve you.

  Sometimes I just don't understand.
  Forgive me when I've gone astray.
 May your will be done, in me.

So, I just wrote this. It's a song. That will maybe one day have music that goes along with it (along with about 100 other verses I've written). It's different to read it than when it's sung the way it's intended because the rhythm changes in it a little bit throughout the verses. Anyways just thought I'd share it with you all.

Lord, may your will be done in me. Not my will. Your plan and not my own. On your schedule--your perfect timing. Not mine. Lord, protect me. Guide me. Help me show love to others even when they do not show that love to me. Forgive me and remind me to show compassion and forgiveness to those who have wronged against me. Your plans and your timing are perfect, Lord. Help me find patience and discernment. Thank you for loving me and for continually reminding me of that love. You are SO good. Amen.

Grace, Peace & Love

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