
SEMINARY. drive/loneliness/pre-orientation

So, I have arrived safely in Durham at Duke University.

This has probably been one of the hardest things I've ever done. I picked up and left everyone and everything I know behind in Arkansas. I'd be lying if I told you I have adjusted easily. I haven't.

The drive here wasn't too bad. I did 10.5 hours on Sunday and the remaining 3.5 on Monday.
I arrived, got the key to my apartment, and met my roommate (who is super sweet!). Then the unpacking process began. I believe I cried every 5-10 minutes as I unpacked all of my stuff, thinking about all the people I am going to miss. I've never felt so lonely. As I got to one of the last boxes, I unpacked my prayers shawl I had been given by Jacksonville First United Methodist Church and immediately I felt a warm presence. I have felt the love and prayers of everyone the past few days and I couldn't be more thankful for them and the people praying them. I am so blessed to have such an awesome support system of loving, encouraging, and caring people in Arkansas who are rooting me on just as God is rooting me on!!

Today, I got up and it wasn't long before I was crying again. So I decided I need to leave my apartment. And I am SO GLAD I did!! I took a walk/bus to West Campus (where the chapel, bryant center, and pretty much everything is). I found a seat at a bakery on campus and read some in a book, I walked around campus for a little bit. Again, I'm glad I did..I smiled and began to feel like things were going to be okay (as I know they are)..my soul calmed down a little bit.

The loneliness hasn't gone away yet (I don't suspect it will for a week or so) but I have come to peace with knowing I'm never truly alone. And I know I have a TON of people back home who are praying for me.

I had dinner with my roommate and a neighbor last night, which was awesome!

Tonight I am meeting a DDS classmate who I have been talking with via email/facebook--definitely looking forward to that!

Tomorrow begins orientation, which I am super super anxious (mostly excited) about!!

I'll update later! Thanks again for all the prayers and support, for your love and encouragement! Until next time, here are some photos of my trip!

thankful for a beautiful drive on Sunday!!

Look ma, I'm a seminarian!!

It was a very uneventful drive. for the most part...


Travelled through a little bit of rain once I got into the mountains..that was umm, fun!?

approximate miles from home. (not exact)



duke chapel

Butterfly: Thanks for the reminder, God!!!

All my love,

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