


I never truly realized how much stuff I have until I started packing it into boxes. I have A LOT of stuff. And a lot of it is just that--[useless] STUFF!! While I know for a fact that I don't have as much
stuff as many people do, I definitely have more than a lot of people have in this world....While I could talk about how this process has made me realize how spoiled I am, that is not my intent (though I am somewhat embarrassed at all the stuff I own).

As I have been sorting through my stuff and packing it into boxes I have found myself frustrated trying to fit things into the boxes the best way possible, so that I get the most use out of my space. I am literally fitting my things into boxes.

So, I got to thinking about how there are many circumstances in which we try to place God in a box. (or in some peoples cases many boxes)...

The fact of the matter is, is that God is SO MUCH BIGGER than all of the stuff I have! He is bigger than any issue or problem. He is bigger and mightier than anything else in this world...what a great visual, as I am stuffing my stuff into boxes...I have SO MUCH STUFF. But even the large amount of stuff I have doesn't come close to even being close to how big our God is!!! Cool, huh?!

God is bigger than all of my doubts, my fears; He is bigger than my frustrations, my insecurities; He is bigger than my failures, my sins. In fact, there is no place that I can go to escape God's love--that's a pretty big God!!
"For the Lord your God is living among you. 
He is a mighty Savior.
He will delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)


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