
Headed to...


That's right, in August I will be headed to Durham, NC to begin my seminary studies at Duke Divinity School...AND ON A SCHOLARSHIP!!! Again, you heard it right. Duke has offered me the Dean's Scholarship which pays for 75% of my tuition!! I am very excited about this decision, and although I'm not looking forward to the distance and the drive, I feel I am making the best decision for myself and my seminary education. I just have to find a place to live!! HAHA!  I do wish it was a little closer to home, but I feel this is THE RIGHT decision. Although, I don't think I could have made a wrong one, regardless of my choice. I do feel I will be happier at Duke than at SMU. And, I do have family within 15 minutes-1.5 hours away!

I just returned from our trip to South Carolina and North Carolina. It was a wonderful (and tiring) trip. We started off going through Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and found our way to South Carolina. After spending a couple days visiting one of my mom's brothers and his family, we headed to Charleston, and then made our way to Durham. My visit to Duke was wonderful!! After visiting Duke, we spent the weekend a couple hours east of Durham with my dad's family. It was awesome getting to see everyone after such a long time.

Here are some photos from my visit to Duke! The rest are on Facebook!!! 


  1. How exciting! I bet it feels good to have some what of a plan :) Good luck with your studies!!

  2. cool corey!! :D that's awesome thanks for sharing!
