
life update. seminary announcement :)

Man. I'm exhausted.
The last time I posted was almost two months ago. and much has happened...let's just go in order--here's a quick overview of the past couple months.

Right after I posted this blog (April 3 to be exact) Michael Hoffmann asked me to be his girlfriend, and I am SO GLAD I said yes. He's the sweetest thing and I really feel God brought the two of us together. He is very much supportive, caring, loving, and very patient; I feel incredibly blessed to have him in my life.

As the end of the semester approached, I found myself busy with projects and studying for tests; but alas the end of the semester finally came....and then I realized it was MY LAST semester at UALR as an undergraduate student...
Graduation was Saturday, and I must say, it was an amazing feeling to be the first in my immediate family to walk across the stage...And to have my family, Michael, and a few close friends there to celebrate it with me. There are so many blessings in my life...I'm so thankful I am able to recognize them...  

After having lunch with my family, Michael, and Dillon we had a celebration at the church.  I'll say it again--I am EXTREMELY blessed to have so many people in my life who support me, encourage me, and love me.

One of the coolest things happened at my celebration--I was presented a prayer shawl from our church.  This is an amazing, amazing ministry. As Fran Cotten placed the shawl around me, I could feel the prayers that had been prayed over it; as if every stitch that had been prayed was being transferred to me. It was a very special moment, and I was glad to share it with some very, very special people.

I cannot wait to begin my seminary education...I am very excited to announce that I have been accepted to Duke Divinity School....I am also very, very excited to announce that I have been offered the Dean's Scholarship which would cover 75% of tuition.
Many of you know that I visited SMU a couple of months ago and really liked what I saw...Needless to say, making this decision (again) isn't going to be easy especially since both are very good schools--I cannot make a wrong decision in whatever I decide. I will be making a trip to North Carolina within the next couple of weeks to visit Duke...I am VERY excited about this opportunity and cannot wait to make a decision and announce it to all of you...I am anxious. I will be posting an update in a few weeks that will announce my final decision....Your prayers are very much appreciated.

Until next time,
with much love,

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