

Holy cow!! Where do I begin?!! Alright, I'll just come on out with it; most of you probably already know by now but if you don't...

I've been accepted to SMU Perkins School of Theology!!!!!! 

I am so very excited about this news!!! I've been trying to hold back my excitement, as with it comes some sadness..but I don't have to deal with that until it comes closer for me to leave.

I have never felt so blessed in my entire life. And what a blessing it is to be able to recognize those blessings! It's been an amazing feeling to have so many people sharing in the excitement of my journey with me!!! My family has been supportive; My friends have been there through EVERYTHING! in this process; My church family has been incredibly gracious, loving, supportive, and encouraging. I couldn't be more happier than to be able to claim Jacksonville First United Methodist Church as my HOME CHURCH! That is something, no matter how many congregations I serve or how many cities I live in, that will NEVER change--Jacksonville will forever be home

I can't really begin to describe the excitement I'm experiencing right now. Dare I say it, but life is pretty close to perfect; in the past month alone I've experienced so many great things happen. The relationships I've developed over the years, I believe, will stick with me for the rest of my life. I can't wait to visit Perkins next week during Spring Break!!! I cannot wait to see what God brings me in the next 6 months and I cannot wait to start preparation to moving to Dallas!! I'M SO EXCITED
I'm also very nervous; I've never been away from home, so this will be a learning experience for me--but a good one. And home will only be 5 1/2 hours away! My heart grieves at the thought of leaving my home church but rejoices in knowing that I'm coming from a truly amazing place and that there are people there that will ALWAYS be there for me when I need them.
Mostly, I'm excited to begin my seminary education. And to finally be where I feel God has been leading me my whole life...I've always been where I was supposed to be, but this is a different kind of fulfillment. I'm excited about the opportunity to continue to discern God's call in my life through seminary.
Seriously--my dreams are coming true in so many ways!


God is SO GOOD!

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