

Once again, God has proven himself to be.....well, God! All powerful, all mighty, all knowing, and in control.

I have some very exciting news to report to all of you!! After a bump in the road and thinking it might not happen when I needed it to, I am officially a certified candidate in The United Methodist Church!!!!!! Last week was a super exciting week for me. Charge Conference and meeting with the dCOM all in one week!!! Somehow, someway, God made it happen and so did so many people--between the church, Mark (pastor), Carolyn (mentor), prayers, the district office and the conference office--I really feel blessed to be apart of it all and to have their support and blessing in this process.

I could really use some prayers this week as I submit my application for the United Methodist Foundation of Arkansas Seminary Scholarship!!! It would provide a FULL scholarship to a United Methodist Seminary of my choosing. So it's a BIG DEAL! However, I know that even if this doesn't work out that God is going to provide for me somehow, someway.

God is good!


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