
SMU Perkins School of Theology Visit!

I am excited beyond belief. SMU's campus is BEAUTIFUL and my experience at Perkins School of Theology yesterday was nothing short of AMAZING!
I'm going to make this short because I want to be able to tell those who are close to me about my experience in person. I will highlight a few of the exciting things that happened on my trip.

Pre-SMU: Around Dallas

  • First of all, I was really impressed with the area of Dallas that surrounds SMU; I wasn't expecting it to be as nice as it was.
  • I know how to get to Walmart, Target & Kohls--I will survive!
  • That awkward moment where you're wearing a Razorback t-shirt and you walk into an all University of Texas fan shop--yeah it happened. Next time I'm bring in 10 friends and we're calling the hogs!
  • First time visiting a Cheesecake Factory--it's a good thing I can't afford to do that very often because my slice of the white chocolate caramel macadamia nut was REALLY REALLY good!
  • BTW, Walmart has a SAM's club located directly underneath it with an escalator directing you towards it.

SMU Perkins Visit:
  • Campus is BEAUTIFUL!
  • The staff was absolutely WONDERFUL, informative, and helpful
  • The students I cam in contact with were very welcoming and excited to see a perspective student.
  • The Bridwell Library is going to be my favorite place to study. It houses approx. 400,000 items related to theology and religion (my dream come true!) This includes ancient and rare findings dating back to early Christianity. We had the privilege of viewing an exhibit on religious books for children that dated back to the 17th century. (I'll have more photos on Facebook). Here's a link if you want to check it out online (http://www.smu.edu/Bridwell/Collections/SpecialCollectionsandArchives/Exhibitions/Childrens%20Books)
  • Upon leaving the exhibit, as we were on our way to Chapel, I had the opportunity to meet and talk with the Dean of Perkins, Dr. Lawrence. 
  • i LOVE PERKINS already!!
  • i'm definitely excited at the fact that the gym has a 40 ft climbing wall--SUPER EXCITED!


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