
update. REAFFIRMED. life. BIBLE. candidacy. SEMINARY.

just wanted to post an update.

I started my last semester of school at UALR--classes seem to be going alright. I'm taking 14 hours (which is actually a light load for me) though it's keeping me busy.

The past few months have been super emotional for me. I quit my job and in looking for jobs I've come to realize something: that I, undoubtedly, belong in a career in ministry. I've NEVER felt so confident about my call. And I cannot wait til I am able to support myself in a career in ministry. I'm so excited, I'm making myself miserable with my current job situation. I know it's only temporary and that it's just a matter of time before I am able to make that happen.

I'm EXCITED about ministry. about the church. about sharing God's love with others in the things I do and say. I CANNOT WAIT to help lead the church in it's mission to the world.

I find myself smiling for no reason at times--because God is so good, even in hard times and in times of pure disappointment; He is ALWAYS faithful to us.

The past year has been pretty amazing; I've seen God move in my life in ways I never would have imagined even possible. I feel like I've grown so much: in my personal life, in my spiritual life, and in my ministry.

Monday night I met with the SPRC at my church and was awarded their blessing in the candidacy process. Talk about REAFFIRMATION!  I had my physical last week--first time I ever had to have an X-Ray. I took my psych test today--it was...different. haha. I should meet with the psychologist in a week or two. They'll tell me exactly how crazy I am! ;). We've got charge conference scheduled for the 19th. And then the dCOM is meeting the 22nd! It's all happening so fast. But it's so exciting. 
I was really nervous that I wasn't going to meet the March 1st deadline (to qualify for certain grants and scholarships) but God has definitely taken care of me--everything looks as if it will be done before then...seriously, everything has literally fallen perfectly in to place. Cool, huh?! Yep, God knows what He is doing.

Today, Mark gave me a copy of the Wesley Study Bible (which I've been wanting for a while now, and just haven't really had the extra money to get one). It was actually one he had been given as a gift (he already had a copy so he passed it down to me...so now on top of it being a gift from an awesome Pastor, it has a cool story behind it and who originally gave it to him). 
Obviously the Bible is very important to me. But I think it's one of the best gifts anyone can give/be given. On my copy of a Bible I bought myself last fall (it's my only regular, non-study Bible) I had "P.S. I Love You" inscribed on it. That's truly how I feel about the Bible----it truly tells us about God's love for us. Can you think of a better gift to give someone?? I think it's a great sign of love for someone to give to another person a Bible. So, thank you Mark for mentoring me, supporting me, for encouraging me, and for loving me.

Another exciting piece of news, which those of you who follow me on FB probably already know--I have applied to seminary!!! I've applied to both SMU Perkins School of Theology and to Duke Divinity School. Both are great schools, but I think I've made my decision. I will, of course, wait until I get some acceptance letters to make the announcement (so those of you who I have talked to about it--yes, feel special...but nothing is official yet.) However, this is a very exciting time for me..and I absolutely CANNOT wait to begin my seminary education.

God is good, y'all! <3 

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