
Update since Exploration

I just wanted to take a moment and write a quick update reflecting on life since Exploration.

Exploration is definitely a "landmark" in my life. An event that helped reconfirm a call that was, at the time, already 8 1/2 years in development. An event where I realized I'm not alone in my doubts and fears. An event I came face to face with some of those fears and several failures. An event where I was reminded about God's amazing grace and almighty power.

Since Exploration, I have noticed a difference in my spirit--in nothing but a positive way: I see life a little differently now. I don't think it was really Exploration itself that did it as much as it was the fellowship and community it provided and allowed.

One of my favorite differences: I am more open and more aware to when the Spirit moves in me. I feel like I have relied more on God moving in my life than I previously did. And I am continually awed at the amazing ways God moves in my life and in the lives of others. I was before--but I have payed more attention to it than I used to.

I have since found myself feeling more encouraged each day. In my call, my walk with Christ, and life in general. But I also find myself, on occasion, feeling more discouraged. Not in my own personal life, but in the world around me. At the same time I feel encouraged in knowing that my generation has a heart for God and a heart for His people. This was made evident to me at Exploration--and we are only a small, small fraction of the young adult population.

I still have moments when I doubt everything, but I think that's normal.  They don't consume me, instead they just provide opportunities for God to move and to speak to me.

That's about all I really have to say. I'm excited about finishing up my last semester of undergrad. And both excited and nervous about beginning seminary--wherever that may be. I do ask for prayers, as I try and get through the candidacy process quickly (so that I qualify for scholarships), that I stay encouraged and confident, and that the application process goes smoothly to seminaries. I'm a firm believer that prayer is one of the best things we can offer someone, so I take your prayers seriously and they mean more than words could express to me.
Have a Blessed week.

Grace, Peace, & Love

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