
unfinished. untitled

so, i just started writing this. i began singing it one my way home. the words just kinda came to me..been a long time since that's happened. anyways. its not finished. but here's the beginning/first draft

Surrounded by darkness
Still I see the light you’ve given
In a world which has forgotten
What it means to live by grace

Your Spirit, I can feel it
Though sometimes it’s hard to hear you
In a world full of distractions
Which take me from your direction

Lord, I’m reaching out to you
Please touch this willing heart
Guide me each and every day
Help me do your will

Lord, I’m reaching out to you
Can you fill me with your love?
Provide for me, protect me
With love

I fight for You, I search for You
The world does not accept me
The world in which
Your word gets overlooked
The world in which
Is lost and turns away from You.


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