

Things I've learned or have been reminded of the past few days:

  • Good, true, genuine, trustworthy friends are hard to come by. But once you find those people, life truly changes.--I have some of the most amazing people in my life. So thank you!
  • God calls us all to be in ministry with him--all in different and unique ways.
  • When God wants you to do something, He doesn't give up until you answer Him.
  • God loves me more than I can ever imagine.
  • My love for Christ has to come before my love for any man.
  • God uses people in extraordinary ways.
  • That I AM called to ministry.
  • That God will use me wherever I am, in any situation.
  • God constantly finds ways to remind me of my call.
  • Confidence in what you are doing has power.
  • Encouragement from others is a very nice thing to have.
  • God has a plan for me.
  • Being positive, confident and happy is so much easier (and WAY BETTER) than being negative and unhappy with low self-worth.
  • I am a child of God.
  • Forgiveness is possible.
  • In every situation, in every relationship we encounter, there is something to be learned (good or bad).
  • True JOY comes from the Lord
  • God will provide for me all I need
  • God wants 100% of me, no less.
  • Smiles are contagious.
  • God is so so GOOD!

I am literally shaking in happiness and crying tears of joy because God is so amazing. I am continually reminded of how much I am loved. God provides me with the confirmation I need. Etc. Finding passion in life and certain areas of it have been so rewarding! And I can't wait to see what else God has in store for me!
Bring it!! :)

The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. [Psalm 19:8]

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