
A God Moment

"Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"
Psalm 150:6 (NRSV)

I cannot even begin to describe how much joy I have in my life because of Jesus Christ. It's an experience. A relationship. And it really is indescribable. I am reminded EVERY DAY that God loves me.

This morning, as I looked into my mirror that hangs on the back of my door in my room to put my make up on, I looked in the mirror and started crying. As I stood there crying, staring at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but wonder how a God as wonderful as my God could love someone as broken as me. I have a photo hanging on the side of my mirror of me from a year ago and I started crying even more. It was an emotional morning. I've seen where I can be and where I am now, and while there is great improvement, for a moment this morning I couldn't help but be unhappy with the way I look now..."it's not good enough and I'm never going to be pretty". Yes those words did come into my thoughts this morning. Guys, Satan knows exactly what to say to you, how to say it to you and when to say it to you. But after I had those thoughts, I looked at myself in the mirror once again...and I got these soft chills (it was like 1,000 degrees in my room cuz I hate my heater on!) and I heard this really soft voice say "Corey, I have loved you since before you were born and you have ALWAYS been beautiful to me"...and of course I started crying EVEN more than I was already crying.  I may have allowed Satan to tell me those things for a few seconds, but my God is way bigger than that!  
For those of you who are skeptical of "God moments"..trust me, I am too sometimes, until they happen to me.. (and even then, I am sometimes a little skeptical)..experiencing the Holy Spirit is one of the most amazing, wonderful feelings in the entire world. And hearing the voice of God is.....I don't even know how to describe it...I'm speechless, it's THAT amazing.

My hope for you is that you find time to experience God in our crazy, busy world. Take time to listen. Be open to the Holy Spirit;before, during and after. 

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