
New Blog. First Post.

I've decided to start a new blog. Not because it's 2011 and it's a new year thus the need for a new blog. I've made a new Blog because I'm a new person than was in my previous Blog. Plus, it has been a while since I have blogged and I couldn't remember my username or password or even the email address I used (this is the true confession) But for those of you who want to check up on my last blog it was corety.blogspot.com :).

I want to keep this Blog, not for the purpose of telling you all what's going on in my life, but of ways to share with everyone different ways in which I experience God. For some stories, I'm sure it will be a more intimate experience that I share and for others it will be less intimate and less serious.  
I do ask that if you are offended by anything I say to not be. It is not my intention to offend anyone or to hurt anyone's feelings. But if for some reason I say something, then send me a personal message (if you are offended and reading this I take it you know me).
I hope and pray you find most of my postings encouraging or that you learn something from them--either about yourself or about me.

“... Let us love, not just in word or speech, but in truth and action.” - 1 John 3:18

Grace, Peace & Love,

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