
Jesus commanded it. So go do it!

As I sit here and write this post my heart is heavy and hurts.

I'm constantly searching for more than what I have--more answers, more questions, more desire, more knowledge, more experience...

The more I learn about Christianity (in America) the more my heart breaks. Did you know that there are over 30,000 different denominations of Christianity? And that's probably a low number. Some of you may ask why there are so many Christian denominations, and the simple answer is because of disagreements within churches. If someone disagreed with an idea or doctrine within the church, they simply split (and continue to do so--the number of Christian denominations is not decreasing). I'm not going against denominationalism because, with people, there are going to be a varying amount of differences.  But when did Christianity become about competing with the church down the street for better and bigger membership? When did church become about who can raise the most money? When did church become about making bigger hypocrites of ourselves than we already were? And when did Christianity become a battle within itself--bashing other denominations because of differences that we all have ( some we see even within our own churches).  What if we Christians put aside the differences for a minute--a second? Put aside the "correct" way to be baptized. Put aside the issue of women's roles in the church. Put aside homosexuality and abortion. Don't get me wrong--these things are important BUT there are bigger issues in the world than the issues we're currently fighting about. Issues of homelessness, malnutrition, disease and of hopelessness.

What are we doing to address these issues on a daily basis--or are we too caught up in fighting with one another we can't see the true needs of the world?

In Matthew 5:44 Jesus commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. To not simply love our neighbor, but to love our ENEMY.  How can we do this if we can't even love our neighbor; our brothers and sisters in Christ? "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35). There it is in the BIBLE, commanded for us to do and we're not doing it!! If we can get past the differences that separate us how much more of a positive impact could we be? Don't we all have the same basic goal in mind?? To glorify and honor the Lord. (I guess it's what that means and how we do it as to why we've gotten where we're at, huh?!)

Maybe this post makes total sense to you, I'm not sure it makes any sense to me at all but I feel like maybe I'm on to something (I just wish I wasn't so -all over the place- right now so I could concentrate and put more thought into my word, but it works for now, I guess.


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