
"be the change you wish to see..."

For those of you who don't know, or might not live in Arkansas, we were graced with snow last night all across the state. I live in Jacksonville, where we got between 4-6 inches. Other parts of the state got less and some parts got more than us. Now, we've been preparing for the snow for a few days now, listening to weather reports wondering how much we were going to get, wondering how road conditions were going to be--worrying about things we had no control over. However, yesterday after church and a meeting at church I was driving along the access road across from Walmart--my gosh was that parking lot FULL. That's something we could take control of--making sure we had enough groceries/supplies to last a few days JUST IN CASE. Making sure we had batteries for flashlights and candles on standby-just in case the electricity went out. Last night, before going to bed, I was honestly dreading the snow. See, being stuck inside the house with my family isn't exactly my IDEAL way to spend a day stuck anywhere , but that's another story. So as I was laying in bed last night, dreading the day that I was going to wake up to I couldn't help but start thinking about my life and how unhappy I am with it. Not in a depressed kind of way (although I did feel a bit depressed about it) but in the "I feel so unaccomplished" kind of way. I feel, in a way dead, stagnant, unmoving, STUCK.  I just don't feel like I've made a big enough of a difference in the world I'm living in (Jackonville-LR area) to matter.
So I went to sleep with a lot of stuff on my mind and on my heart.
My first thought when I woke up this morning was "great, a day at home. with my family. with really nothing to do. awesome." I wasn't too excited. After getting up, getting a shower and getting dressed it hit me how selfish I was being. I had just taken a warm shower. Just before getting the shower and waking up, I had slept in a warm bed, in a warm room. And I was putting warm clothes on my body. And hen I sat in my room and looked at the many clothes I have, the several jackets, coats and hoodies I have-not to mention all of the means of entertainment I had (computer, iPod, iPhone, games, crafts, a room that needed cleaning, books, etc). And I started thinking of those who may not be inside a warm building or have taken a (warm) shower this morning. Of people who didn't have weather appropriate clothing. --people who don't have BASIC HUMAN NEEDS.

...I was talking to a friend yesterday about Facebook statuses and what people put on him--how offensive and ridiculous they can be and how ridiculous people can make them when there's really nothing to be made of them.. Anyways, I asked her (she's not a Christian) if the posts that I posted dealing with God or bible verses offended her in anyway. My intent is never to offend or upset anyone, I simply am sharing with everyone on my friends list a Joy that I have in my life--it'd be selfish not to share it, no? She of course said it didn't offend her, but in our conversation about Christians and people of other religions she made a comment about what I call "Sunday only Christians" and how there are many people who only want to be a Christian on Sunday (morning). I think it's interesting the kind of perspective and opinion that is being given to Christians based on a certain group of Christians. Kind of like how because the 9-11 terrorists claimed to be Muslim--therefore all Muslims must be terrorists. Doesn't really seem to be the same does it? But it is. A small percentage of a certain religious group, in both situations, are representing a larger group of people who don't agree with what they're doing either. I do agree, it's time to become more than just "Sunday Christians" or "CEO's" as my pastor calls them (Christmas, Easter Only)...it's time to start living every day in a way that reflects Christ's love and the commandments He laid out for us.

The issue of people not having what they need isn't a "Christian" issue--that's not the point of this post. It's a basic-human-needs problem. It's a human problem. Not something that a certain group should be responsible for, but instead a problem that we, simply as humans, should be concerned about.
I don't want to say that I have been Blessed or that I am lucky to have all the things that I have because that would imply that those who don't have what I have aren't Blessed and are unlucky. I have been very fortunate to have parents that have provided a roof over my head, clothes and food and a job so that I can provide for myself more than I need.

I somewhat have a plan. And I encourage and challenge you to come up with a plan to change the World, one person at a time. it doesn't mean you have to have a million dollars to do something. It doesn't have to be giving away clothes or food. It could be volunteering your time at a food pantry..but it could be as simple as smiling at someone, because you never know who you might run in to--sometimes you never know the lives that you can change by something so simple.

I hope this post finds you well.

Grace, Peace & Love,



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