
Testing/Greetings from Uganda!!

Hello from Uganda, Africa!!!

The purpose of this post is to test the email settings. I found out
you can post via email, so I have changed the settings (after spending
the past two weeks even trying to sign on to my blog) and am testing
it out.

If this works, I hope to be able to blog more often. Though, because I
am sending weekly email updates, I will likely only blog a few times.
However, maybe I will send the email updates to my blog! Who knows
what I will decide?!

I am pleased to inform you all that we have been here 2 weeks
already!!! Be looking for an email update later today or sometime this
weekend!!! Uganda is treating Regina and I both VERY well and we are
adjusting nicely! I hope to be back to you all soon!!!

All my love,

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