
1st year down. Uganda preparation.

WOW! How is it already the middle of May?! Time sure does fly!

A quick update: I've finished my first year of seminary at Duke Div (and pretty well!). I have LOVED every minute of my life in Durham. Let me rephrase that: I have LOVED my overall experience of Durham. HA. The past 9 months have been exhaustive, exciting, scary, energizing, challenging, and refreshing all at the same time. That's the only way I know how to describe the first year seminary experience. But it was SO GOOD. Just what I needed. And the community at Duke Div--holy cow! It's amazing; I've met some of the most loving, caring, and genuine people. Friends, I assure you that the future of the church is in good hands with folks like these.

I've spent the past week back home in Arkansas resting (haha) and catching up with friends and family. A week from today, I leave for Washington, DC where Regina and I will meet up. We will spend a little over 24 hours in DC before boarding the plane to head to UGANDA! With a three hour layover in Amsterdam! On our way back, in August, we have a 10 hour layover in Amsterdam and we will spend some time in the city before heading back to the States!!!

Words cannot express the amount of excitement and nerves that I am experiencing going into next week. I am getting more and more anxious as the day gets closer to our departure. Primarily, we will be working in the school that is connected to the church. We will be teaching music, physical education, and Bible/theology. We will be staying at the church with the priests. --I look forward to updating you once we are there and have more details as to our tasks this summer.

Thank you, everyone, for all of your support--financially, emotionally, and through prayer. Your words of support and encouragement mean so much!

If you have not had the opportunity to help support me financially and would like to donate toward our trip to Uganda, it isn't too late to do so, and you can continue to donate when I am there!! Follow this link to learn how to do so. It's easy and explains what your donation is going towards.

Grace & Peace,

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