
enjoy the process.

I want to first say how much I am LOVING this crazy awesome life journey I am currently on!! Trust me, it is pretty insane--a total roller coaster ride! Seriously, so full of ups and downs.  Right now, I happen to be on an up--a really, really high "up."

Last week was Spring Break (aka Reading Week) and it was so wonderful. I didn't realize how much I needed a break from the weekly school grind until it happened. I was not nearly as productive as I wanted to be or needed to be (I believe this is the general consensus); however, the past week was definitely one of the bests of the year.

I began spring break by spending the weekend in fellowship with different div school friends. It was so nice to be together and to NOT be stressing about an assignment that was due within 5 days. Break ended the same way, with a fabulous potluck dinner (thanks to Kelly!), a lot of fellowship, and just enjoying each other's company. 

"stop worrying about the future, enjoy the present."

I spent Tuesday in Virginia. I drove up and met Michelle there; we explored Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown (mostly Williamsburg). It was so great to be able to go somewhere and to be able to enjoy the time--no plan, no place to be at a certain time, no rush, and no worries. I thoroughly enjoyed Williamsburg--there is SO much history there! I had no obligations to anyone except myself (and Michelle, since I was meeting her!). The drive back was nice (the drive there involved a lot of rain) and I had a whole 3.5 hours to myself in the car--just me, country music, the road, and God. It's amazing the amount of thinking that can happen when you are by yourself in a vehicle. Thank you, Lord for "clarity."

"living in the present is SO much better than worrying about an uncertain, unpredictable future."

I did get SOME work done this week! I spent a few days resting and leisurely working on assignments.

On Friday, I got up early and headed out west to the mountains!!!  The best part?! I was by myself! I was faced, yet again, with just me, country music, the road, and God for about 3.5-4.5 hours each way. But even more than that I enjoyed some hiking. I started out in the Asheville area, visited a portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway, did some hiking (on AND off the trail!), and stopped in a couple of places including the Folk Art Center (neat place!). I then headed to Mt. Mitchell (elevation of 6684 ft--highest east of the Mississippi!!). What an amazing view! I hiked a trail that wasn't too far from the top...COVERED in ice/snow. So, of course I ventured out and onto the trail. I'm convinced you haven't really done some hiking until you've done it in the snow/ice. Maybe not the best thing to do since I was by myself, but there was a group of men not too far behind me (who were from the Raleigh area and very gracious of my Duke attire, we even had a wonderful conversation about the Divinity School!). I knew that if I were to fall (which I did once, with no serious injury), and something were to happen to me, that there were people around to help. I hiked about 3/4 of a mile before turning around because the trail dropped and was COVERED in nothing ice. I'm stupid, but I'm not THAT stupid. It was just a great day to be out and in the mountains. The temp at the highest elevation was about 35 degrees, but in lower elevations it was pleasant. I am just continually amazed and God's wonderful work and feel incredibly humbled when I think about the fact that I am just a small part of that Creation.

"enjoy the journey you are currently on; stop worrying about the future, which is not yours to worry about."

Okay, God! I get it! Proverbs 3:-5-6; Jeremiah 29:11-14; Matthew 6:25-34. Three confirmations in one week! Alright, God, you've got my attention. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about this...But in general I have been thinking about the future, particularly two years from now as I will be approaching graduation (God-willingly!). I've been worrying about things WAY too much. Some things that matter and a lot of things that don't. Freaking out would be a better way to put it. The truth is that in those moments I am not trusting God nor am I placing my faith in God. "ye of little faith," I can hear God's voice now... The first sentence of my daily devotion (from "Jesus Calling") said "Trust me one day at a time..." Confirmation/clarification/affirmation #4! "...trust is not a natural response, especially for those who have been deeply wounded. exert your will to trust me in all circumstances. Don't let your need to understand distract you from My Presence. I will equip you to get through this day victoriously, as you live in deep dependence on Me...Trust me one day at a time."

I cannot begin to express the amount of grace and love I have experienced in the past 7 months. While seminary has been one of the hardest adventures I have taken on, it has also been one of the best and most rewarding adventures of my life so far!

We had our orientation for International Field Ed today. I have to admit, when I woke up this morning I  was not looking forward to it. However, it was an awesome day! I am so, so, SO excited about serving in Uganda this summer!!!

Okay, so here are some photos from my Spring Break Reading Week adventures!!!

Colonial Williamsburg

Bruton Parish Episcopal; 1715

Off Colonial Parkway

Mountains!!! Near Asheville, NC

woot woot!

View from the 6684 ft elevation!

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