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WOOHOO!!! just completed week 5 of classes!!!
I think i'm finally starting to get the hang of things--I know what's expected of me and what to expect...feels kind of nice. Last week I turned in THREE papers!!! (the first papers of the semester for me)...definitely a milestone. Once I completed my papers I felt a since of accomplishment--Alright, I can do this! We'll see how I feel about that once I get the other two back (first one scored a 98! Thank you, Bishop Willimon, although I'm not quite sure how seriously to take your grading scale, but thank you for your grace,  nonetheless!)
Grace. What a great word. And there's certainly lots of it here at DDS! 

I am LOVING classes..I'm not sure I am getting all the information I need to be getting, but I'm loving it nonetheless. Not only are the classes great, but the community is pretty amazing. The professors and staff are amazing. And my fellow classmates are awesome (and 2nd and 3rd years too!)

I have been attending Duke Memorial UMC since being here, and have come to really enjoy it. Although, it is definitely NOT JFUMC or any other church in Arkansas. 

Speaking of Arkansas--I had lunch today with Sara, Todd, Dane (other Arkansas students here!) and Paul (we're trying to get him to Arkansas)...Roy and Sandy Smith were in the area, so we had lunch with them. (Roy is pastor at Russellville and also serves on the dCOM). I have to admit that I was a little hesitant about it at first, but it turned out to be a really great conversation time and was reaffirming in so many ways. I just love Arkansas!!! However, North Carolina is beginning to feel more comfortable (I would like to add that I DO have family here...NC has always felt like a (distant) second home to me).

I am really appreciating my classes and my professors and definitely feel like I am where I'm supposed to be (although I think I question that at least 10 times a day!) Anyhow, these books aren't going to read themselves!!!

Here are just a few things I have learned this week at the Divinity School! Enjoy!

In order “to achieve the life of contemplation, you must avoid women and bishops.” –Dr. Smith, Church History professor

“You can take the people out of Egypt, but you can’t take the Egypt out of the people.”- Dr. Chapman, Old Testament professor

“Jesus is my bridegroom, not my boyfriend” –Dr. Smith

“Horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow”- Dr. Chapman in reference to his mother

Much love,

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