
untitled post.

i began this post a couple of weeks ago, which will explain some of the topics i have brought up.

i'm really not sure the direction this post is going to take just yet, so for now I will just write.

My heart is broken. and continues to break.

it breaks for the community of Newtown Connecticut. it breaks for the family of the children and teachers whose lives were taken. it breaks for the family of Adam Lanza. my heart breaks for some of the reactions people have been making. my heart breaks because a lot of America does not know what it means to know Christ. my heart breaks for those who think this was "part of God's plan," for those who are ignorant to their own free will.

my heart breaks as i look at Facebook where my newsfeed is consumed with pictures of young girls who are looking for the world's approval. for young girls and women who look to society for what is right/wrong. my heart breaks when i witness excuses being made when they try to justify abuse.

my heart breaks for those who just don't get it. they don't get that God loved them so much that God sent Christ to die on a cross for them.

edit. 12/28/12

I've really been struggling with some things lately. much of which i will not go into detail about on this blog because i am not the main one affected with what's going on. I will say that I am just absolutely heartbroken at some of the actions and intentions of others.
That being said, I am also very hopeful. I'm hopeful because I know that in a world where evil is prominent that there are many, many good people in it. I'm hopeful because I serve a God whose love is greater and far more comprehendible than I can ever imagine. I'm hopeful because in a world where there is so much hate and destruction, there is a lot of love and community. I'm hopeful even in my most doubtful moments. I have hope.

This word has come to mean something different to me since being at Duke Divinity. I'm not sure I can fully describe to you what or how that perception and definition has come to be to me, but I can tell you that my feelings about community are positive and warm. As mentioned in a previous blog, my definition of what home is has also changed. This has much to do with what community means to me.

I'm going to end this blog because I still feel like I need to organize my thoughts and sort through them to better articulate them. I am also trying to decide what I want to do with the future of my blogging.

I hope you will be in prayer for me and my family.

All my love,

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