

The countdown to leaving for seminary is really beginning to hit me. Each time I look at the calendar a bit of excitement shoots through my body, as I will be on Duke University campus in just 21 days. Along with that excitement comes a bit of anxiety, fear, worry, etc. And as I look at the calendar I want to spend as much time with those I love and care about as I can, while getting things done.

There's nothing that can make this transition any easier than the love and support I know I have here at home. Family, friends, boyfriend, etc...I seem to be blessed beyond measure in this area. 

I leave knowing that, while there will be many challenges (both good and bad) in my future, there are going to be many good things coming. I leave knowing that I can come back at any time. I leave knowing that I can call a number of people at any time of day and have their ear to listen, their confidence, their support, and their love. I leave knowing that I have a type of family that some never see, and for that I am so grateful. I leave knowing that I have some of the most amazing people and friends in my life who continue to support and encourage me on a daily basis; for that I will be forever grateful. I leave knowing that God is going to do some amazing things in my life over the next three years that I will spend studying at Duke University. I leave knowing that I'll be home in December!! (hah.) I leave knowing that everything is going to be okay!

Your prayers and love to me over the years have been phenomenal and I cannot thank you all for them enough...in face I don't think there are enough words to describe how grateful and thankful I am for the people I have in my life.
I ask that you continue to pray for me as I prepare to begin my journey. I will be leaving after church on August 19th and will drive as far as I can before stopping for sleep, and continuing on to arrive in Durham on August 20th.

Also, please feel free to drop me some snail mail at any time!! (i love it and save ALL OF IT!) My address for this year is:
Corey Tyson
301 Swift Avenue #24
Durham, NC 27705

Love to all,


emotional distance

My heart feels very heavy tonight as I think about the future. Not just about what the next few months hold, but the next few years, the next few decades. While I do not know what will happen in the future and I am not one to plan out every detail, I am one who likes to have a general idea of where things are going.

In just 7 weeks I will be settling into my apartment at Duke University. Yes, its 14 hours away from “home.” Yes, I’m going alone. I’m nervous, scared, and excited all at once. I find that every day it gets harder to hide my sorrow and show my excitement. Every day I wake up wondering if the journey I’m about to begin is what’s right. Yet every day I am reminded that I am heading in the direction I’m supposed to; the direction in which God is leading me in. As each day goes by my anxiety gets worse, but I have found much comfort through prayer. I have moments when I feel lonely and my cry for help is smothered by pride; I feel as if I am beginning to distance myself from the people I love—I don’t want to do that.
I am very much excited about the next 7 weeks and spending time with family, friends, and working at JFUMC. I feel incredibly blessed to be surrounded by and loved by so many amazing people. I have learned so much from so many amazing individuals.

I am also VERY much excited about the next three years; my seminary studies, internship experience, and the relationships I am going to build. About the adventures and roads God will lead me down. I’m just plain-freaking-excited!!!!

I have a lot of concerns with current relationships—not only because of the distance but because of other circumstances as well. I’m learning to take things day-by-day, to pray, and to rely on God more fully.

I was reminded of a prayer I had prayed just over a year ago when someone I know brought it to my attention through her blog….Among other things I prayed that God would take me out of my comfort zone…HAHA. Our God definitely has a sense of humor….boy is he taking me out of it…14 hours away from anyone I know, completely alone, beginning a completely new journey…
I have moments that I trust more than others, but I do truly trust that the hand of God will guide me in all directions of life; I just have to be willing to follow.

I really appreciate everyone’s prayers and support--there are some moments when I rely on nothing else to embrace me. I can’t wait to share the next part of my journey with you all!
