
think positive!!

Life is such a beautiful thing.  Even in the midst of tragedy and sadness there is beauty to be found.

I've found that it is SO much easier to be positive than it is to be negative nancy all the time. All the energy I used to spend being negative has changed my life! That's THAT much more energy I have to put towards being active or doing things for others.
Turning things that someone else would normally find negative into a positive thing has been the most liberating and best thing I have done in a while! For example, I drive back and forth from Jacksonville to LR for school. That's about a 25-40 minute drive (depending on traffic and how many cops i spot on the way in!).  The first reaction that comes from most people when I say something about it is usually a negative comment--"oh, that sucks!" "oh, you poor thing", etc. I have yet to hear a positive comment about it. Well, I choose for that travel time to not be a negative thing or a drag! It would only make the drive home that much worse! Instead, I use it as time to reflect on the day ahead/behind me. I listen to KLOVE 99% of the time, so it serves as a personal worship time for me sometimes. Yes, I have been driving and have found myself wanting to close my eyes and lift my hands to the Lord! (this probably isn't the best thing..but I am safe about worshiping and driving simultaneously!!!). It is some of the only time in a day I spend alone, so it's winding down, chill time.  Anyways, that's just one example of how I have turned negative things into positive things. Trust me, I have so many more examples that are so much better than this..but this is one I don't mind sharing with the WWW!

I would consider myself to be an optimist in a world of a lot of pessimist. Yes, I have my pessimistic moments but I am definitely driven by positive things in my life.

There isn't a moment that goes but that I doubt God's goodness. Okay, so maybe that's a stretch. I do have moments when I wonder if He really knows what's best for me. But I quickly get slapped in the face and am reminded that Yes, indeed--GOD TRULY KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR ME!--.

[[The LORD is good to all; 
he has compassion on all he has made.
Psalm 145:9]]

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