


I'm sorry that I promised you a blog post sooner than I have gotten it to you.

Life has been crazy busy. Never stopping; always in constant motion. Some rides are smoother than others and some truths are easier to tell than others.

To put you up to date, I have returned to the United States, from Uganda, very safely and am now back in Durham and am about to tackle the FOURTH week of school this semester.

I don't have as much to say about Africa as I thought I might would or as I would like to have to say. My overall experience was an uncomfortable, grace-filled, loving, frustrating, joyful experience. I learned a lot about myself, about the world, and about God's voice in my life and in creation. It was beautiful experience; an experience I will treasure and keep close to my heart for the rest of my life.

I find myself feeling overwhelmed a lot lately; maybe it's because I haven't allowed myself to fully process my time in Africa or because I haven't allowed myself enough patience or maybe because I've become uncomfortable with living life the way I do. It doesn't mean I'm ashamed of who I am or what I do; it means that I'm more aware of other peoples situations and life circumstances. It means that I think about the world and people differently; especially those people who are most involved in my world. It means that simple things are no longer simple; that some issues just don't matter anymore because they are so small compared to what is going on in the rest of the world. It means a lot of things have changed for me. And it also means that I'm not even sure what it all means yet. It means that a part of my heart will forever be in Luweero, Uganda.

Since being back in the US, I've been going nonstop. I was home in Arkansas for about a week and a half before heading back to Durham where I assisted with orientation for incoming div students and then classes started. Don't get me wrong, it's been a good kind of crazy; but crazy is still crazy no matter what kind of crazy it is. It's been so good to be back in Durham and to catch up with everyone. Classes are awesome (theology is my FAV!) and the community at Duke Divinity is thriving. I LOVE THIS PLACE!
      I'm also very excited to announce that I will be serving at Warrens Grove United Methodist Church this academic year. I hadn't planned on taking a field ed placement until 10 pm the night before applications were do. Let me assure you that the Spirit was very much active in this decision; I had struggled all summer long as to whether or not I would apply for a placement. Needless to say I am SO EXCITED about joining this congregation and journeying with them in ministry for the next eight months. I look forward to this exciting journey and to sharing it with you all!

Until next time...

All my love,

Here are a few photos for your enjoyment; please also see my Facebook Page for more photos. (More to come)

Regina and I eating posho; this is what kids have every day for lunch.
(white corn meal cooked thick and beans on top)

one of our seminarian friends and his family, who graciously opened up
 their home to us and cooked us a meal on one of our outings.

Br. Christopher & Fr. Ambrose at the might River Nile

second grade boys. 

fourth grade boys.


smiles, smiles!


dancing with Fr. Joe

dancing with our students

more dancing with students at our going away celebration!

Regina, Br. Christopher, and Myself

learning to make chapat in my pj's! :)