
three year update!

I really wish I had more time to write this, but the fact is that I do not.

Today marks three years since my surgery--since the moment that I was given a new beginning and began a new way of living.

I'm keeping the weight off!! Minus a bit of fatigue (iron levels were a little low) and stress, I feel GREAT! I still have about 30 lbs that I would like to get rid of, but I am happy the way I am right now. I'd be lying if I said I was completely happy (is that even possible). I still struggle with the same daily demons that I struggled with 3, 5, 10 years ago...however, I am so thankful for the truth of God's love, for the realization that I am a beautiful part of God's creation, and for the knowledge that I am beautiful the way I was created. For me, that is enough truth.

Because I do not have as much time to reflect on this as I would currently like to (or to write about my reflections, rather), I have attached the link to my two year update (which also has the link to the one year update).



All my love,