
Exploration 2011: Passion & Possibility

Today has been designated as a day of prayer and blogging in preparation for Exploration 2011 .  Exploration is an event for young adults who feel a call to ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. It will be held in St. Louis, MO on November 11-13. I have been challenged to write this blog and to share with all of you more about myself and about Exploration.

Many of you know, and I'm sure some of you have no clue, that God has called me to ordained ministry. For me, this call came clearly when I was 13 years old. (Actually, I should probably clarify that--there's really been nothing too clear about it!!!) But the first time I distinctly remember feeling God's tug at my heart. Yes, that's how it started: I was 13 and at Jr. High Assembly at Hendrix College. We were all in the chapel for worship when an invitation was given for those who felt a call to ministry, specifically ordained ministry, to come forward for a group prayer. I remember all of a sudden getting chills that ran up and down my back, arms and legs. But they weren't the kind of chills you get when the temperature changes, these were different; they were chills inside my body. And then I felt a hard but gentle tug at my heart. (It was actually a couple of tugs!) AND IT DIDN’T STOP. It hasn’t stop, and I don’t think it will ever stop. The tug at my heart is my guiding force, and I know I will always be able to trust in it.

The process of discerning my call hasn’t been an easy one. In fact, it’s been one of the hardest processes I’ve been through. But it has also been the most rewarding and most exciting. And I couldn’t be more excited to learn more about where God will be leading me in my life; I couldn’t be more excited than to wake up every day, walking (or at least doing my best) with Christ, following Him and his guidance—following the tug that occurs at my heart when I know something is right. I’ve never found anything that brings me greater joy than ministry does. I’ve never found anything to be more passionate about that worshipping my God, teaching others about him and his Word or pretty much anything that involves Christ and ministry.

I am SO excited about Exploration 2011.  The theme of the weekend is Passion & Possibility. I can't think of a better theme for the weekend! I think this is going to be a great opportunity for me to explore my calling, to share with others my calling, to listen to other young adults callings and to WORSHIP with other young adults! (I think that’s what I’m MOST excited about!!) I hope that I am challenged, changed and blown away by God (and others) at this event. I hope to come to a better understanding of my call, but more importantly I hope to be able to trust God more, and to realize that it’s okay not to have all the answers.

I want to challenge and ask that YOU (yes YOU!) to pray for myself and for the other young adults who will be attending this event. Pray for the design team and others involved in planning and organizing this event.