
summer 2011: work, prayer, friends, candidacy process; God is SO good!

So, this has been a pretty crazy summer in so many different ways.  Just about the time I think life is about to slow down, I get hit with more things to keep me busy!

I've been working full time+ this summer and was (finally) promoted to an assistant manager. I absolutely love my new boss--he's a really nice guy and a good person to work for.

I've been involved in church stuff. Unfortunately my plans for the summer internship I had applied for didn't work out--they were way last minute and I had already made plans..which were then cancelled (yep, no Arizona..) so I have some regrets about not accepting the mission intern position...but there's always next year.

When I'm not working and not at church running around, I am either hanging out with friends, working on the girls retreat that's coming up in September, trying to teach myself guitar, writing, studying for school (yes, i'm TRYING to start early), researching grad schools and internships and things of that such, painting/crafting, photographing something, or trying to catch up on rest. And when I'm not doing those things, I've been trying to find more time for being outside--hiking, camping, biking, etc (and planning my schedule for things of this sort in the future).

This summer has been a time of reflection and growth for me. I've made some decisions about my future and I couldn't be more excited about where God will lead me in my future.

Last week, I met with our district superintendent and, although I've been an inquiring candidate for years now--IT'S OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL. I'm an inquiring candidate for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. There's really nothing official about that, other than I've met with her and my name is now in the pool, and soon I will become a declared candidate and that's when the fun stuff begins (like being assigned a mentor and going before staff parish relations committee and before the church in a charge conference)....usually I'd be freaking out about things like this...however, I have NEVER been  more excited about anything in my life. NEVER. It's taken me 8 years to get to this point... I've tried ignoring and running from my call..but the more I ran and the more I ignored the more God called my name. And the more he continued to tug at my heart.

Last week, I helped in building a wheelchair ramp--it reminded me of some of the mission trips I had gone on in the past and what a heart I have for missions--definitely something I needed to be reminded of. If I could, I'd live my life as a whole "mission trip" (but I guess in a way that's what we, as Christians, are called to do, no?!)

I do ask for prayers as I begin this process and this part of my journey in life. I've been so blessed to be surrounded with friends who support me more than I could have ever imagined them supporting me in my response. Truly, God has been preparing me for this and has placed these certain people in my life because He knew I would need them. They have been honest with me in my doubts and insecurities, they call me out on things when I need it...but most of all they LOVE and SUPPORT me for who I am and for who God is calling me to be...I couldn't ask for anything more. (So thank you to ALL of you who have been huge supporters and true friends to me).

I also ask for prayers as I continue to discern my call and try and follow in the footsteps that Christ has laid out for me and in his guidance. Prayers are always appreciated and of course, I'd LOVE to talk to anyone about all of this. Also, don't ever hesitate to ask me to prayer for you (many of you, I pray for on a daily basis)...that door is NEVER shut. Prayer is an amazing thing, and you don't have to know someone to pray for them. (sometimes, I think that's one of the COOLEST things about prayer!!!!)

Anyways, here's some pictures from this summer: (they're actually not that impressive, but i thought i'd share some anyways)
painting #1 of the summer

painting #2 (this one was commissioned)

a reminder, very early on a hike that God LOVES me!! 
checkin out God's amazing work.

checking out another view of God's awesomeness

one of my best friends!

yes, that's a nail gun in my hand..and i know how to use it.

wheelchair ramp DONE!

yay for best friendssssssssss!!!

So anyways, all and all it's been an uneventful, exciting in a different kind of way summer. and the only reason i'm really looking forward to school starting back, is going back to 30hr work weeks, seeing friends more often, having more time for hiking/things i want to do AND it means it's just one more day closer to GRADUATION!!! which means one more day closer to SEMINARY!!!! (YES, i'm REALLY THAT EXCITED!!)

God is SO GOOD, ya'll!!!!!