
God never ceases to amaze me.

Today has been a really emotional day for me...  actually, the past few weeks have been pretty emotional. Not in the "i can't stop crying and I don't know why" kind of emotional..but the "OH MY GOSH, GOD IS SO AMAZING" kind of emotional.

i am SO BLESSED. no, BEYOND blessed.

i have some of the BEST friends and people influencing my life. Some of these people are peers, some mentors and interestingly enough, some of them mere strangers. Hey, God works in mysterious and awesome ways!
My family. One of my favorite things about summer is the time I get to spend with my family--during the school year everything is so hectic and busy that we forget to sometimes speak to each other. Summertime usually provides more time to enjoy (or at least try to!) each others company.
My dad. So...my dad and I haven't always seen eye to eye on things. And I haven't always felt loved by my father. And I've always loved my dad. But in the past... year or so I've come to know my dad in a different way. And I love and respect him more now than I ever have. Forgiveness has been key. And realizing that he too is a child of God has been second.

God knows what you NEED and provides for us those needs. He knows the deepest desires of our hearts. And in HIS PERFECT TIMING reveals, provides and guides us.

His plan is perfect. And I'm so excited about my future...to be able to have the opportunity to be in ministry doing what I LOVE to do, doing something I am PASSIONATE about. So awesome that God is going to use my passions to serve Him (He did give them to me, after all!)

So. God is Good. Amazing. Awesome.
I am SO excited about my future and the endless opportunities that lie ahead--in ALL directions. I'm excited about the unknown and the uncertain. I'm excited about learning more about God's plan for me, a little at a time.

God NEVER ceases to AMAZE me.
sometimes, this
 is all it takes :)

[["Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!"
Isaiah 30:18]]
